By Titto Jose

It's just a drupal 7 module created for fun to integrate Infinite Ajax Scroll plugin. Lately I came across with this jquery plugin which is very simple to use on existing pages with normal pager. For views listing with pager you don't have to enable Ajax to use this.

How to integrate this without the module? Well you need to include the plugin file the drupal way using drupal_add_js() at theme level or in .info file or any other right way you can think of suiting your requirements....

By Titto Jose

The Drupal 6 & 7 is shipped with jQuery library which is older than the current version that is available. Drupal 6 has version 1.2.6 and drupal 7 has 1.4.4. This offcourse can be updated to newer version using jQuery update module (Drupal 6 to jQuery 1.3.2 & Drupal 7 to jQuery 1.5.1, 1.7.1, or 1.8.2). For Drupal 7 I have seen that it causes certain minor issues (especially in Views UI) when it is set to 1.8. So the safest you can update to is 1.7 (correct me if I am wrong).


By Titto Jose

Here is a nice little hack to filter or sort products based on discount or offer for ubercart module in drupal 6.

In drupal, ubercart module provides 3 types of price fields that can be entered for a product - Cost price, List price and Sell price. Here the sell price is the final price at which a customer can buy a product and it is a required field. To sell a product at discounted price we uses list price and sell price fields. Here the list price will be the price without discount...

By Titto Jose

Earlier I did an article about how I created sticky blocks which scrolls along, when the pages are scrolled down (Sticky Blocks). Here is an update to that code. In earlier code, if an image is present in the content, the browsers fail to recognize the correct height of the content. This is because the height is taken before the images are loaded. A workaround for this is to execute the code after image load (as suggested in a stackoverflow thread).

What I did is I put the codes to...

By Titto Jose

My objective was to create a block which remains as a sticky block in the sidebar of the page when the window is scrolled. Also the blocks below the sticky block need to move along with it. The sticky blocks should stop moving once they reach the end of sidebar and no longer should move when the page is scrolled.

The basic script I got it from here (, which I modified for my purpose. I needed additional features, such as the blocks (blocks may vary on different...

By Titto Jose

The idea is to create a simple drupal module which takes over the default logout path and putting a confirmation form.

; $Id$
name = Logout confirm
description = To confirm logging out of user.
package = Drupal custom modules
core = 6.x


